Configure ImageMaster in configureAppServer.config
Copy the ImageMaster script and configuration package from the assembly file to a location on the server, where you will later execute this (also see ImageMaster script package “configureAppServer”). To set up your desired ImageMaster configuration:
Fill all required values in the configuration file that is provided in the assembly release package:
Within the configuration file each option is described by comments. Browse through all settings in the configuration file and fill in the values based on the comments. For documentation purposes an overview of settings that are relevant for ImageMaster is also given in Optional or conditional settings but if you browse through the settings in the file, all relevant parameters are covered.
You must not delete or comment out any parameters in the ImageMaster configuration file!
The script fails if you delete any parameters because it also conducts a plausibility check before it executes the setup.
There are different methods of how you set a specific configuration value in the ImageMaster configuration file (configureAppServer.config):
Set the value directly in the configuration file.
All parameters that are required to run ImageMaster are represented directly in the file such as:
For system properties there is a dedicated section where you set values via the preceding keyword “systemProperty” such as the following mandatory default setting that is already present:
systemProperty org.apache.catalina.connector.URI_ENCODING=UTF-8
Be careful with special characters other than NMTOKEN and best avoid such in the values of system properties. If you must use special characters, look at the comment in the configuration file, which explains how to escape these.
Similarly, JavaMail session properties can be set in a dedicated section via the keyword “mailProperty”:
Only if the parameter is not covered by any of the above approaches, add this to one project-specific custom CLI script and set the path to this script in the configuration file:
In your custom CLI script avoid to set any parameter that is covered in the standard configuration file according to steps 1‑3 above!
Keep in mind that your custom CLI script could override the system properties or any other values that you see directly in the ImageMaster configuration file (configureAppServer.config)!
System settings referring to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM options), e.g. concerning memory management, must be set in the configuration file “standalone.conf” or “standalone.conf.bat” instead, according to the previous chapter Configure JVM options in standalone.conf. This file should also be preserved for reinstalltion and upgrade scenarios.
The below subsections just pick out some parameters from the configuration script to give background information.