
PolicySynchronizer  is used to synchronize a policy and an imaMailbox ID to a mailbox inbox folder property.

Be careful when applying “-all” in combination with “-set” or “-del” because in case of a mistake this will affect all mailboxes!


    PolicySynchonizer.exe [-? | -help] | -msx msxServer
    (-all | -id mailboxId | -imaid imaMailboxId)
    (-get | -set value | -del) [-file fileName]


    -? | -help          Show this info

    -msx msxServer      The msx server of the mailbox(es) (fully qualified host

    -all                Do the given action for all mailboxes at the given msx

    -id mailbox id      Do the given action for the mailbox with this mailbox id
                        (name, mail, DN, PS mailbox id, ...)

    -imaid imaMailboxId Do the given action for the mailbox with this ima mailbox

    -get                Action get: get the value of the inbox folder property

    -set value          Action set: set the value (format "policyName,
                        imaMailboxId") in inbox folder property (overrides the
                        old value if it already exists)

    -del                Action del: delete the inbox folder property

    -file fileName      Write (append) the result to this csv file


    PolicySynchronizer.exe -msx msx01.local -all -get

        Get the value of the inbox folder property of all mailboxes at msx server


    PolicySynchronizer.exe -msx msx01.local
    -imaId "2cf49aa5-00f6-11e4-a2b5-00155d65450a"
    -set "Test 2cf49aa5-00f6-11e4-a2b5-00155d65450a"

        Set the given value (policy "Test" and imaMailboxId
        "2cf49aa5-00f6-11e4-a2b5-00155d65450a") to the inbox folder property of
         mailbox with imaMailboxId "2cf49aa5-00f6-11e4-a2b5-00155d65450a".

    PolicySynchronizer.exe -msx msx01.local
    -id "/o=Org1/ou=OrgUnit1/cn=Recipients/cn=John Doe" -del

        Delete the inbox folder property at mailbox with dn
        "/o=Org1/ou=OrgUnit1/cn=Recipients/cn=John Doe".

        /!\ Be careful with the combinations "-all and -set" or "-all and -del"!