Time stamping
Open the Signature tab and go to the sub-tab Time Stamping to configure time stamping functionality. The time stamping functionality guarantees the integrity of content objects of revisions as soon as they are stored in the archive. Each content object, which is stored and passes configurable filters, will be timestamped.
Figure 200: Signatures – signature: time stamping
To configure time stamping functionality
Specify the general configuration functionality by selecting the corresponding check boxes. The following options are available:
Require Qualified Certificates: Select the check box to define that the timestamp signature certificate must be qualified to be accepted.
Require Non Repudiation: Select the check box to define that the timestamp signature certificate must have a non-repudiation flag in basic key usage to be accepted.
Use Included OCSP Values: Select the check box to enable usage of OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) values included in the timestamp instead of sending new OCSP requests.
Store Requests: Select the check box to enable storage of OSCP requests.
Store Reports: Select the check box to enable storage of OSCP reports.
The filter section provides the possibility to configure the sets of filters. If no filter is defined, click the “plus” icon below the label Filters. The row with the filter set is expanded. A single filter entry consists of the following optional settings:
Document Type: Select the desired value from the list of the currently existing document types.
MIME Type: Select the desired value from the list of the currently existing MIME types.
Content Key: Enter the key pattern that is used to filter the content.
Filename: Enter the filename pattern that is used to filter the content.
Certificate Tracking: Select the mode for contents which matches the filter to track used certificates.
The following options are available:
off: Certificate tracking is disabled.
register: Certificates are registered.
estimate: The certificate usages are estimated.
statistics: Accurate statistics for the certificate usages are collected.
It is possible to combine several available settings for each filter, e.g. define a document type and a MIME type which must match both for a content to be timestamped.
The filter component allows creating multiple filter entries by clicking the “plus” icon at the end of each row. To delete the filter set, click the “minus” icon.
When ready, click Save to complete the settings.