Workflow customization in “Aktion.ini”

The Scheduler coordinates jobs in the overall batch processing environment and is in charge of starting scripts. The exact sequence of script executions, which represents the overall workflow, is specified in the file with the default name “Aktion.ini” (also see entry “AktionFile” in chapter Configuration). This file contains multiple sections. Each section represents a script call, which can be adjusted with control parameters as described in table below.

Control Parameter



A number in square brackets signals the beginning a section which executes one script. Numbers can be allocated at will, but must be unique. %s %06d

Command to be executed: The placeholder %s is replaced with the spool name and the placeholder %06d is replaced with the 6 digit generation number.

Alternatively, the placeholder <Spoolname> and <Generation> can be used.


Display name in Scheduler: Any text can be used.


Start the step at the given time, in this example not earlier than 6 a.m.


Do not allow execution of the steps after 11 p.m.


If the current step was successfully executed (return code=0), the chain proceeds with the next step, in this example [11].


Defines how many instances can run the step at the same time. If more spool names use the actual step, the limit is valid for all spool names with this step.


If a script returns code 9, by default this signals that data is not available and the step should be tried again at a later time. This parameter specifies, how many unsuccessful attempts are run, before moving to the error state. If the parameter is empty, no limit is set and retries will be attempted perpetually.


Time between two retries (by default in minutes). One of the following units can be set additionally: s, m, h, or d. For example: “30s” is equal to 30 seconds.


If the current step was successfully executed, a new step is created with the next applied generation number in the database, and it is set to 'Waiting'.


If a workflow shall not halt completely despite of an error in the current step, an alternative next step can be triggered next; in this example [30]


Limits the execution of the step to the given weekdays. Valid values: 1-7 (1=Monday) or “mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, so”. Multiple entries are separated by a comma. Ranges are indicated with a hyphen.


Limits the execution of the step to the given days of the month. Valid  values: 1-31


Next step [99] will be called after <finalizeAfterDays> days in state "OK"


Number of days before step <finalizeNext> is executed

Table 83: Scheduler – control parameters in block “aktion.ini”