Final archive use cases

A final archive is based on the following operations:

Archiving e-mails (final archive)

The steps to archive items are like this:

  1. The Final Archive Spider iterates over the items by the rules of the final archive policy setting.

    This covers included folders referring to mailbox root and excluded subfolders of an included parent folder. Instead of using a folder name to include or exclude a folder, also an alias can be used (see Using an alias to exclude or include folders).

  2. The selected items will be reported to WSCoordinator (request InsertSelected), which inserts the archive jobs in the ImageMaster Content Services for E-Mail database table for final archive jobs with state TODO using the database wrapper.

  3. The Windows service for the Final Archiver does the following:

    • It gets the jobs from the ImageMaster Content Services for E-Mail database.

    • It archives the items.

    • It updates the state within a database table to “DONE” or “ERROR”.

  1. The Final Archive Spider conducts a completeness check (by comparing the amount of processed items with mailbox statistics from Exchange), and reports statistics and the state:

    • “finalProcessing” if there are still items to be archived (which will be processed in next runs of Final Archiver / Final Archive Spider)

    • “finalDoneComplete” when all items are processed and the error rate is less than allowed by completenessTreshold

    • “finalDoneIncomplete” when all items are processed and the error rate is greater than allowed by completenessTreshold

  1. If the state is a “final done” state (finalDoneComplete or finalDoneIncomplete), then Final Archive Spider will create a report with statistics and details for the final state, which can be accessed in the report section of the AdminClient.

  2. The state of a mailbox can be retrieved via the ImaAdminService request “getMailbox” (attribute “runState”), and based on this state a customer project can define further actions for Exchange server operations team (e.g. deleting the mailbox finally).

The Final Archiver does not change anything in the mailbox, so it does not leave stubs for the e-mails that are archived via the Final Archiver. The following further rules apply for stub processing starting with ImageMaster release 9.8.2 1:

  • If stubs are already present in the mailbox (remaining from another archiving use case), the belonging e-mails are retrieved by the Final Archiver intermediately.

  • A copy of such a retrieved item is then archived again in ImageMaster as another document instance (with another document and revision ID, which is typically mapped to another document type).

Using an alias to exclude or include folders

To provide a robust method for referencing system folders, whose names can differ depending on localization and the system language, instead of a folder name, an alias can be given based on the following pattern starting with the prefix “_WellKnownFolderName.”:

  • _WellKnownFolderName.<FolderName>

Within this pattern, the placeholder <FolderName> refers to a constant value according to Microsoft Exchange “WellKnownFolderName enumeration”, and such an alias can also be combined with a folder name.

For related information see: [MS Exchange WellKnownFolderName].

Retrieving e-mails via ImageMaster (final archive)

To retrieve archived items, the ImageMaster client must be used.

  • The user retrieves archived items by the ImageMaster WorkplaceClient; see the user manual [UM WorkplaceClient].

  • The archived item is retrieved by the ImageMaster Integration Service.

Note that the entire functionality of the Outlook Add-In is blocked if the final archive policy is assigned to a mailbox.