Partitioning configuration
The partition configuration governs the step Assign Key of the partitioning process. Since this configuration controls how documents are stored, it cannot itself be stored as a document (unlike other configurations). For the purpose of updating this configuration there are two web service requests in the ImaSystemService web service port:
The partition configuration is shared among all tenants. However, document type specific settings are only visible for the tenants that share the actual document type.
The partition configuration consists of several policies:
The standard policy defines partition key assignment for all objects to which no other policy applies. This policy is mandatory. All other policies are optional.
The audit policy defines partition key assignment for AuditTrail events.
The folder policy defines partition key assignment for folder entries.
A document type policy defines partition key assignment for all documents of that particular document type.
The following values are available for the policies:
The constant policy assigns a fixed partition key to all objects. The partition key must be uppercase and 1-50 characters long.
The tenant id policy assigns the tenant id (the value “01” to “63”) of the tenant that created the object as the partition key.
The tenant name policy assigns the name of the tenant that created the object (in uppercase) as the partition key.
The random policy assigns a random string of a given length (in uppercase) as the partition key.
The creation time policy assigns the creation time of the object (in a specified format) as the partition key.
The attribute policy assigns the value of one or more attributes (concatenated and in uppercase) as the partition key. This kind of policy can only be used as a document type policy for the document type that contains the attributes in question. This policy is not allowed as a standard, audit or folder policy.
It is possible to apply a regular expression search & replace operation to each attribute in this policy. The regular expression must follow the rules of the java.util.regex implementation of regular expressions in Java. References to captured groups in the regular expression may be included in the replacement string preceded by a dollar sign. If the regular expression does not match the attribute value at all, no replacement is performed. Consider the following example:
A regular expression of ([a-z]*)\\-([a-z]*) with a replacement of $2-$1 would match an attribute containing “abc-def” and replace it by “def-abc1”.
The default partition configuration only contains a constant policy with the partition key “0” as the standard policy and nothing else. This means that in the default case, all objects in the system will be assigned the partition key “0”.
Information about the assigned partition key of an object is generally not exposed in the ImageMaster Client or web service views of the objects. However, it is possible to access such information in RAQL queries using the following operators: ima:document:partition, ima:revision:partition.