Two-factor authentication

The two-factor verification adds extra security by requiring you to sign in with an additionally generated code that can only be used once. You need to have an authenticator app installed on your smartphone, which is also used to activate the process in ImageMaster.

Google Authenticator has been successfully tested with ImageMaster. For more information on how to install Google Authenticator and on related topics see:


To activate two-factor authentication do the following:

  1. Select Two-Factor Authentication in the user configuration room:

    Two-Factor Authentication Status Disabled with button to "Set up Authenticator" located to the right and "Save" button below

    Figure 841: Two-factor authentication – status and setup

  2. Click the button Set Up Authenticator:

    QR code with information "Use your phone camera to scan this barcode or enter the following secret key" followed by an alphanumerical code string; information below: "Once you have scanned the barcode, enter the 6-digit verification code generated by the Authenticator application."; input field for the code below; below the code field is the button "Verify and Save" ; in the bottom is the button "Save"

    Figure 842: Two-factor authentication – generating verification code

  3. Within the authenticator application on your smartphone, scan the QR code with your phone camera or enter the secret key (which is displayed near the barcode as shown in the figure above).

  4. The authenticator application on your phone will now generate a new code. Enter this new code in the field Code and click Verify and Save.

    When the code is validated, the security key is saved and two-factor verification is activated. The status is changed to Enabled:

    Elements from top to bottom: Information "Two-Factor Authentication Status Enabled" with button to disable; button "Move to Different Phone"; information "You have 0 unused backup codes." with button to generate backup codes; button "Save" in the bottom

    Figure 843: Two-factor authentication – status “enabled”

For every login now a one-time access code must be entered, which is generated on the registered phone.

Backup codes

To provide access to ImageMaster with activated two-factor authentication in cases when access to the registered smartphone is impossible, backup codes can be generated in advance:

  1. Click the button Generate Backup Codes.

    Existing backup codes will be invalidated and new backup codes are shown in the dialog:

    The button to generate backup codes is followed by an output field that shows generatd backup codes with a button below to print the backup codes

    Figure 844: Generating backup codes

    Backup codes are visible only immediately after generating them and can be printed directly.

  2. Click the button Print Backup Codes.

    A PDF document is opened that can be directed to a local printer or stored on the computer.

Changing the mobile device

If the registered smartphone is switched to a new device, the activation process must be rerun:

  1. Click the button Move To a Different Phone.

  2. Confirm the action.

  3. Follow the activation steps.


Click the button Disable. In the dialog window select from the two options:

  • Disable two-factor verification temporarily: The status changes to “Disabled” and can be turned on again by pressing the Enable button.

  • Remove the security key completely: Two-factor verification will be disabled. To use it again the activation process has to be rerun.

Login with generated code

If two-factor verification is enabled, the following window is displayed during login after entering the user credentials:

Elements from top to bottom ImageMaster logo; Information "Get a verification code from the authenticator app or enter one of the backup codes you've received from ImageMaster."; input field for verification code; button "Verify"; button "Cancel"

Figure 845: Login with enabled two-factor verification

Enter the one-time code, which was obtained according to the steps described above, and click Verify. After successful code verification you will get access to the system.