Timestamp authorities

Open the Crypto tab and select the Timestamp Authorities sub-tab to display and configure the timestamp authorities.

Figure 208: Signatures – settings: timestamp authorities

  • To add a timestamp authority (TSA), click Add TSA.

  • Specify the name in the dialog and click Ok. The timestamp authority will be added to the list.

  • Configure the following timestamp authority settings:

    • Service URL: Specify the path to access the timestamp authority service.

    • Policy ID: Define the policy specifying the general requirements for trusted timestamping services.

    • HTTP Endpoint: Set the HTTP endpoint to access the timestamp authority service. For more details see HTTP endpoints.

    • Proxy: Specify the proxy settings to access the timestamp authority service. For more details see Proxies.

  • Select the check box Randomize Order to set the random order of TSA requests.

  • To delete a timestamp authority, click Delete TSA.

  • Click Save to finalize the settings.

  • You can check a connection to the authority by clicking Ping. A success or an error notification will appear at the top of the window.