ImageMaster full-text settings
The following configuration settings can be adjusted by the ImageMaster AdminClient. This documentation only presents a brief overview. For related details see section Fulltext configuration in the corresponding user manual [UM AdminClient].
Connection settings
The following connection settings are mandatory for an ImageMaster full-text configuration:
URL of the indexing server
URL of the search server
In a simple environment both of these URLs will point to one Solr core. The URL must point to the corresponding Solr home:
In a complex environment, performance requirements may dictate a search architecture with multiple Solr servers, each one with a specific role. Besides configuring two different URLs, one for indexing (master) and one for search (slave), the configuration therefore also allows defining multiple URLs for each server type (i.e. multiple URL entries for indexing servers as well as multiple URL entries for search servers).
Indexing scope
The AdminClient allows you to define which ImageMaster document types and which MIME types are targeted by full-text indexing. A list of allowed MIME types is shown below. It is possible to configure only a subset from this list:
For detailed instructions on how to disable full-text indexing based on ImageMaster document type or MIME type, see the user manual [UM AdminClient].
Basic tuning
Basic tuning parameters can be adjusted by the ImageMaster AdminClient such as:
queue size for documents waiting for full-text indexing
number of documents to be streamed in parallel to the indexing server
Internal configuration management and customization
The configuration for ImageMaster full-text indexing is managed in an internal system document. The figure below illustrates a sample creation request for such a document as it may originate from the ImageMaster AdminClient or the ImaAdmin Web service.
Beside the configuration settings from above, further settings are customizable via this document type. However, such a customization must always be worked out depending on project specific requirements. As a starting point also see section Indexing – schema.XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<role:role xmlns:role= "">powerUser</role:role>
<documentType name="_COMMONS_CONFIGURATION"/>
<attribute name="_COMMONS_CONFIGURATION_CONFIGURATION_NAME">SearchConnectorConfiguration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns3:searchConfiguration xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">
<searchCommonProperties maxNumberOfSnippet="5">
<searchProviderProperties searchProviderName="Solr Search Provider">
<searchProperty name="masterUrls">
<searchProperty name="slaveUrls">
<searchProperty name="extractUrl">
<searchProperty name="searchUrl">
<searchProperty name="queueSize">
<searchProperty name="threadCount">
<searchProperty name="queryFields">
<searchProperty name="phraseFields">
<searchProperty name="wildcardFields">
<searchProperty name="reindexUrl">
Property |
Mandatory |
Description |
Example / Remark |
masterUrls |
Yes |
All master URLs The URLs depend on Solr configuration. | |
slaveUrls |
Yes |
All slave URLs The URLs depend on Solr configuration. | |
extractUrl |
Yes |
The tail part of the index URL which is used as the underlying, internal Solr extracting request handler This parameter will be identical to the suggested default value (see right column) in most scenarios. This parameter is either “/update/extract” if only one content object per revision is expected or “/imaupdate/extract” if more than one content object per revision is expected or if it is necessary to index files in compressed file formats like zip or tar. |
/update/extract or /imaupdate/extract |
searchUrl |
Yes |
The tail part of the search URL which is used as the underlying, internal search request handler This parameter is normally either “/” if only one slave URL exists or “/imasearch” if sharing over more than one slave URL is necessary. |
/ or /imasearch |
queueSize |
Yes |
The size of the queue of the streaming update server, i.e. the maximum number of documents which wait for full-text processing |
Recommended default value for a simple scenario: 20 |
threadCount |
Yes |
The number of threads the streaming update server is allowed to use |
Recommended default value for a simple scenario: 4 |
queryFields |
No |
An index field used both for binary files search (fulltext) and for attribute search (unitedmetadata) For multi-language support, use the corresponding language abbreviation: _en, _de etc. German (de), English (en), French (fr) and Spanish (es) have predefined field types and can be configured in the configuration file |
fulltext; fulltext_en; fulltext_de |
phraseFields |
Yes |
An index field used for phrase search If no specific phrase search is to be used, only “fulltext” and “unitedmetadata” can be specified. In this case, do not forget to adjust the provided schema.xml file. |
fulltext_phrase, unitedmetadata_phrase. |
wildcardFields |
Yes |
Index fields which are used during wildcard search in content objects |
You can use the same fields as in parameter phraseFields. |
No |
The URL of the instance used specifically for re-indexing (see Re-indexing with Solr instance migration) This URL is temporarily set in a migration scenario, where it represents the master URL of the new Solr instance that will be used later, after the re-indexing has been completed. | |
Table 339: Full-text search configuration parameters |