Details of legal holds for a document
If you have enough permissions, you may view details of all current and inactive legal holds for a document. With a higher level of permission, you can also unassign a legal hold from the document.
You can view all legal holds for a document from the following views:
Legal Holds view (see Managing legal holds in [UM AdminClient])
To view legal holds
Go to the document detail view and expand the menu Document, select Legal Hold, and Show Legal Hold(s) from the menu.
This menu item is only available if there is at least one legal hold for the document (including the aborted ones).
The Legal Hold(s) window opens and displays further details:
Figure 919: Legal holds for a document
If only one legal hold is assigned to the document, the field Name is displayed as a text field. If there are several legal holds assigned, the field Name is displayed as a drop-down list containing all assigned legal holds, where one entry can be selected for further actions.
You can perform the following actions with the hold:
view the legal hold details
remove the document from the legal hold (only available if you have appropriate permissions)
To view legal hold details
The following legal hold parameters are displayed in Legal Hold(s) window see Managing legal holds in [UM AdminClient]:
Name is either a text box with the name of the single assigned legal hold, or a drop-down with the values of all legal holds assigned to the document.
State displays one of the following options:
Active: the legal hold is valid and the document is protected from deletion.
Aborted: the legal hold has been unassigned from the document (see below how to remove a document from legal hold).
Finished: the legal hold was released.
Creation Date shows the date and time when the legal hold was created.
Lifting Date shows the date and time when the legal hold was aborted (if applicable).
In the Program table single program steps are listed. For each entry you will see the Comment and the Execution Time (if the step has already been executed). The Operator is a technical label. Click the ‘expand’ button to show a panel with further parameters of the current program step.
To close the window, click OK.
Removing one document from a legal hold
In the Legal Hold(s) window (see Legal holds for a document) do the following:
If desired, select the legal hold from which the document should be removed in the Name drop-down.
Click the button Remove From Hold (only visible if you have appropriate permissions).
For an inactive legal hold (in either “Aborted” or “Finished” state) this button is disabled.
Confirm the deletion in the dialog.
The legal hold will be removed from the list of legal holds assigned to the current document.
If there are multiple legal holds assigned, the document does not change its protected status. Only if all legal holds are unassigned, the “Delete Protected” status is cancelled.
If an unexpected status is still displayed after removal, refresh the document: expand the menu Document and select Refresh from the menu.
To remove a complete legal hold from the system, go to the Legal Holds view and perform the action Release Selected Hold there (see Managing legal holds in [UM AdminClient]).