Sending document attachments
You can send attachments of the displayed document to your e-mail address (which has been configured in ImageMaster) if the system administration has set up this functionality:
Select the documents with the attachments that you want to send.
Expand the menu Document directly from the hit list or go to the document preview (chapter Document preview) or the document view (chapter Document details view).
Select Share and Send Attachments from the menu.
The following dialog will be shown. Available attachments are listed below each document identifier respectively:
Figure 916: Sending document attachments
Optionally, select the box Include Metadata PDF to include an additional PDF with the document's metadata in the e-mail. The subject field in the dialog is initialized with the document identifiers of all selected documents.
Click Select All to include all attached document files (selected by default) or select the check box for each attachment that you want to send.
Click Prepare Mail to generate and download the mail to be sent in the local e-mail application. The prepared eml file contains ImageMaster documents attached. The initial e-mail content is based on a template that can be adjusted by the system administration globally.
To abort the action click the button Cancel.