Configuring fulltext settings
The fulltext configuration view provides access to the basic configuration settings for the fulltext indexing process, which is based on the fulltext server Solr.
To change the fulltext configuration, click the System > Fulltext Configuration tab.
To configure fulltext indexing
Go to the Solr Search Provider sub-tab to configure the provider settings:
Figure 60: System – fulltext configuration: Solr search provider
Enter values in the respective editable fields. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). See table Fulltext – search configuration parameters for field descriptions.
Optionally use the “add line” icon
for a new line where multiple values are possible, or “delete line” icon
Expand the Document Types panel. Select or clear the check boxes to define the document types to be indexed by the fulltext engine.
Optionally use the check box in the header to select or clear the entire list.
To index the specified document types manually (or to delete an index), go to the Actions tab (see chapter Actions – fulltext index maintenance for details).
Figure 61: System – fulltext configuration: document types
Go to the MIME Types panel.
Figure 62: System – fulltext configuration: MIME types
Select or clear the check boxes to enable the MIME types to be used. Only document attachments with an enabled MIME type will be indexed for fulltext.
Optionally use the check box in the header to select or clear the entire list.
To check the saved full text configuration, click Ping. The result (either success or error) will be displayed as a notification at the top of the page.
Click Save.
Configuration parameters
The following table Fulltext – search configuration parameters presents an overview of the parameters that can be adjusted. For a deeper understanding see the fulltext installation manual [IM Fulltext]. For details on ImageMaster queries and the underlying query language, see Query language RAQL in the system manual [SM IS].
Parameter |
Description |
Example, Remark or Default |
Master URLs |
All master URLs Defined by the Solr setup | |
Slave URLs |
All slave URLs Defined by the Solr setup | |
Reindex URL |
Reindex URL This URL is temporarily set in a migration scenario, where it represents the master URL of the new Solr instance that will be used later, after the re-indexing has been completed. See Re-indexing with Solr instance migration in the fulltext installation manual [IM Fulltext]. |
Optional |
Extract URL |
The tail part of the Solr index URL If not defined otherwise by the project-specific documentation, use the default |
/imaupdate/extract |
Search URL |
The tail part of the Solr search URL If not defined otherwise by the project-specific documentation, use the default |
/imasearch |
Queue Size |
The size of the queue of the streaming update server, i.e. the maximum number of documents waiting for the fulltext processing |
20 |
Thread Count |
The number of threads that the streaming update server is allowed to use |
4 |
Query Fields |
The names of index fields used both for binary files search (fulltext) and for attribute search (unitedmetadata) By default the Solr search environment will support several languages which rely on their designated index fields with the corresponding language abbreviation attached as suffix (en, de, fr, es) |
fulltext fulltext_en fulltext_de fulltext_fr fulltext_es unitedmetadata unitedmetadata_en unitedmetadata_de unitedmetadata_fr unitedmetadata_es |
Phrase Fields |
An index field used for phrase search if no specific phrase search is to be used |
fulltext_phrase unitedmetadata_phrase |
Wildcard Fields |
An index field used for a wildcard search in content objects |
fulltext unitedmetadata contentname |
Socket Timeout |
Time in milliseconds the socket may have been idle before disconnecting |
60000 |
Connection Timeout |
Time in milliseconds the connection may have been idle before disconnecting |
60000 |
SSL Enabled |
Activates the HTTPS protocol for certificate authentication for Solr connection |
false |
SSL Strict Hostname Verification Enabled |
Ensures the host name check and prevents redirection |
false |
SSL Trust All Servers Enabled |
Enables trust to certificates from all servers |
false |
SSL KeyStore |
The SSL keystore path |
SSL TrustStore |
The alias for SSL keystore password |
SSL KeyStore Password Alias |
The alias for SSL keystore password |
SSL TrustStore Password Alias |
The alias for SSL truststore password |
The username required for Solr basic authentication |
The password alias for the password required for Solr basic authentication, which must be stored in the password manager (Managing passwords) |
Max Number Of Snippets |
The maximum number of snippets that can be used for search |
10 |