Operations with attributes
You can invoke the following actions with the attributes related to a selected document type:
modify the attribute
configure the attribute visibility
add an attribute
delete the attribute
export attribute value list
import attribute value list
To modify the attribute
Select the attribute to be changed in the list box (see figure Document types – attributes ).
Adjust the attribute properties on the subtabs in the right-hand area:
Click Save.
To configure the attribute visibility
Click the icon “Toggle Attribute Family Visibility”:
The following submenu appears:
Figure 94: Document types – attributes: attribute family visibility
Select the boxes to show the corresponding attributes in the hit list. All unchecked attributes will not be visible. If the visibility filter is applied to one or more attribute types, the icon will be switched to indicate that not all attributes are shown:
The following options are available:
Regular Attributes
Referenced Attributes
Virtual Attributes
System Attributes
To add attributes
Click Add Attribute to specify a new attribute. Enter the name of the new attribute in the dialog and click OK. The new attribute appears below the currently selected attribute in the hit list.
Adjust the attribute properties – see the section above.
Click Save.
Once you have saved an attribute, you cannot change its type anymore and certain kinds of changes will not be possible such as decreasing a length. For related details see table Document types – attributes: basic parameters.
Caution! Changing the label of an attribute that is used in classifications can break the configuration!
If you use the classification feature (see chapter Classification), only change or add localized label values to adjust your displayed names. Do not change the default label because this is used internally for identifying similar attributes across different document types.
To delete attributes
Select the attribute to be deleted in the list box.
Click Delete Attribute beneath the list and confirm.
Click Save to complete the deletion.
Caution! Deleting an attribute in an existing document type also deletes all belonging metadata of this attribute for any existing documents of this type!
Even if a legal hold or a retention plan is active to protect a document type from deletion, this kind of protection only applies to the actual attachment files but not to the attributes.
To export an attribute value list
Click Export Value List, which will apply to the currently selected document type. The Export dialog is displayed:
Optionally, change the default name of the export file.
Click Start.
When the export is ready for download, the corresponding message appears:
Click the link to download the export.
Specify the directory where the export file will be saved.
The export is performed in the background, so you can continue your work while the export is in progress.
To import an attribute value list
Click Import Value List. The select file dialog appears:
Figure 95: Document types – attributes: import value list
Note that the current values will be overridden by the imported value list.
Choose the file by clicking Select File or by using drag and drop.
The imported Excel file must contain one sheet with values specific for the currently selected attribute. The Excel sheet contains the actual value, the default value (used if a specific language is chosen and no explicit localized text exists for the selected language) and localized values for supported languages (localizations are skipped if they don't exist).
You can export an example Excel file by clicking Get Value List Example.