Basic structure and navigation

A page in the WorkplaceClient consists of the following components:

The following interactive and information elements are available in the upper static functional bar:



Left pointing triangle

Hide / display the navigation menu (with entries according to Functions and access to views in the navigation menu)


The title of the currently opened view, e.g. “Activities”, “Search” etc. is displayed as a navigation hint.

Letter "i" in filled circle

The information menu provides the following details:

  • About: detailed information about the system, e.g. registered ImageMaster licenses and their expiry dates, client version, server and database information. The panel includes additional application information with version numbers about:

    • Assembly Information (version, build number)

    • Client (version, build number, plugins, information on active sessions, etc.)

    • Database (name, version and driver)

    • ImageMaster and Java properties that have been set in the application server

    • Installed extensions

    • License information

  • Help: link to the integrated ImageMaster user manual

  • Legal Notice: information about copyrights and related topics

  • Support: ImageMaster support information

Spoke wheel

Access to user profile settings (see Editing user information for more details) and temporary language settings (see Change language for more details)

Arrow pointing out of an item

Log off the system

If configured by the system administrator, the confirmation window is displayed before the logout.

Table 481: Interactive and information elements in the upper functional bar

Basic page structure with sliding navigation menu on the left, static functional bar on top, and a context-dependent workspace with a sliding search panel in the right (below the static functional bar)

Figure 1063: Basic page structure

To hide the navigation menu, click the symbol left-pointing angle bracket in the left upper corner of the WorkplaceClient window. To show the menu, click the symbol right-pointing angle bracket.

Within the navigation menu the user has access to the following functions. Depending on permissions and the system setup, some of the entries can be missing in your environment:



Information with username "Logged in as imaUser" and assigned user group  on top with link "Profile Settings" below

User information

  • Logged in as: login name of the user

  • Group: name of the active user group; only if the user is assigned to several groups with the possibility to switch between groups via the pencil icon

  • Profile Settings (see chapter Editing user information)


The Workspace section with the functions which are likely to be used most often in the WorkplaceClient: Search, Documents and Activities


The Search view for searching documents (chapter Document search) and composing a hit list of search result (chapter Hit list)


The Recent Searches view for displaying and executing the last search queries (chapter Recent searches).


The Document view providing the possibilities of viewing documents (chapter Document details view) as well as modifying and archiving documents (chapter Creating and modifying documents)


The Recent Documents view for viewing history of the last opened documents (chapter Recently opened documents).


The Bookmarks view for handling documents bookmark (chapter Document bookmarks) and search bookmarks (chapter Search bookmarks ).

My tasks

The My Tasks view for displaying and handling all documents that user has to work with at a certain stage of the document's lifecycle (chapter Handling workflow tasks (ImageMaster BPM))


The Activities view for displaying currently running export and mailbox synchronization activities (chapter Activities)


The Reports view for accessing all system reports on users or system data you have permissions for (chapter Reports)

ImageMaster logo with version number and copyright label of T-Systems

ImageMaster logo with version and copyright notice

Advanced Functionality - see the AdminClient user manual for details [UM AdminClient]


The Maintenance view with features which require specific permissions designed for power users (Maintenance)


The Dashboard view with visual access to some basic monitoring and reporting functions (Dashboard)


The Administration view for system configuration (only available with sufficient permissions)

Table 482: Functions and access to views in the navigation menu